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Suddenly suffering from anxiety and panic attacks, Evie meets with a therapist to figure out the cause.


After several months of therapy, Evie is still not able to open up and confront the truth. Her best friend presents the option of trying something other than western medicine. In a shamanic session, Evie recalls a time when an older neighborhood boy turned an innocent game of hide and seek into a traumatic experience that was affecting Evie in ways she never anticipated.



With the Support of Women of Color Unite.
Women of Color Unite (WOCU) is a social action organization
focusing on fair access, fair treatment and fair pay for women of
color in all aspects of the entertainment and media industries.

Stop the Silence® is a department of the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma committed to prevention, treatment, and mitigation of child sexual abuse (CSA), other adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and related interpersonal trauma ( We provide help and resources through comprehensive programming with awareness, education/outreach, training, and policy development and reform. We work to address the relationships between childhood trauma and the broader issues of overall family and community violence, and violence within and between communities. We are excited about our budding partnership with Hiding Spot!

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